See What Women Want During $ex but wont tell You

See What Women Want During $ex but wont tell You

1. Rough sex

Sometimes, all that gentlemanly, mild touches just won’t do. Your woman would like you to switch things up a little she just doesn’t know how to bring it up. How about you ask her about it and see how she feels about the idea?

2. A really sexy sex life

Most women like the idea of being a lady in the streets and freak in the sheets. Help her actualize this desire. Make things more fun and adventurous. Suggest

3. Fantasies and role playing

Your woman has fantasies. Learn about them and lovingly bring it to life for her.

4. Dirty talk

If talking dirty is something that your girl is really into. Like I’ve been saying, the more into it she is, the better it’s going to be for the both of you.

5. Kissing and cuddling after sex

Many women would enjoy kissing during and after sex, especially because some men forget that we like that. Cuddling after sex shows us that it meant something to you, too and that it was enjoyable for the both of you. There’s nothing worse than going into separate corners after finishing sex and letting it get too awkward.

She does not even need to ask for this. You should know and do it always

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