Soleimani fought heroically against isis, Ai Qaeda-Ifeanyinwega.

The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday said the assassinated Iran commander, General Soleimani fought heroically against ISIS, Al Nusrah, Al Qaeda, among other terrorist groups.
Rouhani claimed if it wasn’t for Soleimani, most European capitals would be in great danger now.
“General Soleimani fought heroically against ISIS, Al Nusrah, Al Qaeda et al. If it weren’t for his war on terror, European capitals would be in great danger now.”
A US airstrike on Baghdad, Iraq killed the Iranian commander, Qasem Soleimani who was buried Tuesday.
The US strike on Baghdad international airport targeted a convoy carrying Soleimani and his top Baghdad-based adviser Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy head of Iraq’s powerful Hashed al-Shaabi force.

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