What attitude are you displaying in your relationships?. Is it good enough to sustain that relationship?. Attitude is the world’s deadliest and sweetest antidote with full abilities to dampen and smoothens the journey of one’s life.
It is a two edged sword and ‘Chameleous’ in nature. while dead and life are in tongue’s custody, failure and success are embedded in attitude. The success or otherwise of your relationship is determined by your attitude. Even as positive and negative attitude lives in human, who you attract depends on your beauty, but your attitude determines who stays.
The last time I checked, everyone wants to be successful in their relationships and life generally, but few are ready to engage in what it takes to achieve this.(Positive attitude is the only option) If you’re still accommodating those bad attitudes, you better wise up.
A lot of people complain of not having the ‘luck’ to attract good partners and even when they do, the relationship won’t last…
My dear, check and edit your attitude, this is the sustainable ‘luck’ so far. That attitude you are holding unto with an affirmation that… ‘this is just who you are, and people must accept and live with you that way’ …will rather ruin you in future(especially if it has negative tendencies.)
Have you wondered why people go all out to date not for beauty or fame but just for their peace? Good attitude breeds love and peace, this is what money and beauty can’t do…
Money has a way of building pretense in many relationships. You might actually manipulate things to look like it’s going to work out, but take my word, it will never work out, not with your bad attitude intact, and not when we have lots of people with good attitudes in the world…
POSITIVE ATTITUDE has all the goodies and life seems to reward us better when we approach the world with a positive attitude.
Negative attitude is the major cause of breakups and divorces…, do away with it and let good attitude lead. As you go about pursuing your visions with hard work, entertain no negative attitude. It comes with unretrieved setbacks and frustrations…
The saying ‘ you don’t know what you have until you lose it’ means. If you don’t work on your attitude, you will lose an important person or thing in your life and regret later.
Bad attitude produces regret, demotion, shame, disgrace, downfall, bad or no relationships etc.
But positive attitude act like God’s mercy, it nullify your disqualifications to qualify you for an uncommon breakthrough. Negative attitude quenches your effort towards the pursuit of your destiny… Leave ‘village people’ alone, don’t attach your bad attitude to them, sometimes your bad attitude is your ‘village people’…
‘Remember, if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten. If you want to arrive a new destination, you need to take a new path’
There is no hiding place for a bad attitude fellow…
Your beauty, brain, fame and achievements can fetch you a good relationship and Job, but your attitude determines how far you’ll go…the only way out is positive attitude, which is the cornerstone upon which we build our lives.