Netflix’s “The I-Land” Series: Internet Reviews Bite Hard At Witty Plot

The I-Land Netflix series
Another ’s original series, “” debuts on the streaming app in the previous week and it turns out a shade of fascination to many viewers.
As the title connotes, the I-land as against Island is some technologically developed infirmation where prisoners on death row are supposed to find their way back home – to redemption!
For a Sci-Fic, The I-land would definitely get a good score but the bone of contention with a lot of viewers was how the entire plot of the series was quickly unravelled.
Netlix The I-land Season 1
I L on Google said:
It was entertaining. But how the plot was unravelled was kind of uncool and swiftly brought across, like there was no way to be interpreted except for being directly spelt out in words. Not only by the jurors but the marshals too. Like the director’s thinking, we might be too dumb to figure out or just really can’t find another way to present. The ending was also a little strange that main character was, in fact, able to fight so many other guards while all along being “connected” at that age. Maybe the meds that disconnected her will also disable the strength n ability she had possessed when fighting the guards. Still, it was quite a creative concept though I thought it seemed like inception + shutter island concept a bit? Anything with Leonardo behind the scenes? Kate did a good job with her face in n out of the water, could feel the agony in her. The lead lady was very good too, especially being irritating at first to pick up a quarrel but that’s her.
To go with I L, the producers must have undermined the reasoning of their viewers to think they won’t comprehend where the story is actually leading with the major plot unravelled.
Mrs. B said:

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