Maybelline NY Signs Victoria Kimani On Her First Endorsement

Maybelline NY Signs Victoria Kimani

Maybelline NY Signs Victoria Kimani On Her First Endorsement

Maybelline NY Signs Victoria Kimani on her first endorsement deal with the American beauty line.
This announcement was made by the singer on Instagram where the singer expressed her excitement saying;
“My first Endorsement deal guys! I’m so glad to finally announce that You are looking at The new face, brand Ambassador for MAYBELINE NY – from Kenya.
Indeed… AFRICA
Maybelline NY Signs Victoria Kimani on her 1st endorsement deal with the American beauty line.
This announcement was made by the singer on Instagram where the singer expressed her excitement saying;
“My first Endorsement deal guys! I’m so glad to finally announce that You are looking at The new face, brand Ambassador for MAYBELINE NY – from Kenya
Indeed… AFRICA to the World! This is such an honor and a beautiful crowning for me because well…. if you know me, you know that I LOVE MAKE UP and a good face beat !! And When it comes to my dreams …. I am known to MAKE IT HAPPEN! Regardless of language, location, time, Rules, obstacles and hurdles that I face… nothing can stand in the way of A girl on a Mission! #Maybeline Thank you to my namesake in Kenya for fighting for me!!!”

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